Student Resources

Advisement and Student Success


Please check the two tutoring options below:

Math and Stats Enhancement Room (MASTER)

Located in the Math & Physics Building, Room 3000, we offer free tutoring in:

  • MATH 0098
  • MATH 0099
  • MATH 1001
  • MATH 1101
  • MATH 1111
  • MATH 1112
  • MATH 1113
  • MATH 1232
  • MATH 1441
  • MATH 2242
  • STATS 1401
MASTER Fall 2024 Hours
  • Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
MASTER Virtual Tutoring Fall 2024

Specific courses are available for virtual tutoring Monday through Thursday from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Use your GSU credentials and fill out the Google form on the day virtual tutoring is available for your course.

Please try to give an hour notice. The last request must be made by 6:45 pm.

  • Mondays – STATS 1401 and MATH 1111
  • Tuesdays – MATH 1441 and MATH 2242
  • Wednesday – MATH 1111 and MATH 1232
  • Thursday – MATH 1112 and MATH 1441
Sign Up for Virtual Tutoring

Science & Mathematics Academic Resource & Tutorial (SMART) Center

FREE Tutoring:  The Science & Mathematics Academic Resource & Tutorial (SMART) Center offers free tutoring on the Armstrong campus by student tutors in Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, General and Organic Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, and Mathematics.  Appointments for in-person and virtual tutoring should be made through the EAB Navigate system.

Step-by-step instructions for making in-person and virtual tutoring appointments

If you have worked on a problem and would prefer to email a tutor to receive feedback on your steps, please create a pdf of your work and send it to with your course number in the subject line.

More information about our services can be found at the SMART Center website.


To apply for scholarships, current students can log in to MyGeorgiaSouthern and click the MyScholarships link. For more information, visit

New: Georgia Southern University Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program

The scholarships that the committee are responsible for reviewing are as follows:

  • Arthur G. Sparks Scholarship in Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Bhatia Foundation Scholarship: Mathematics — available only to Armstrong or Liberty campuses
  • Billy J. Lamb and Curry Colvin Memorial Math Education Scholarship
  • Bobby L. Johnson Secondary Mathematics Fund
  • Cynthia Ann Floyd Sikes Mathematics Scholarship
  • D Earl Lavender Award in Mathematics
  • David and Ann Stone Scholarship in Mathematical Sciences
  • Martha L Abell Endowed Scholarship
  • Lancy C Jen Mathematics and the Leslie A Strozier Memorial Scholarship — available only to Armstrong campus
  • Renette and Annie Ruth Lewis Annual Departmental Scholarship

Undergraduate Research

College Office of Undergraduate Research

The College Office of Undergraduate Research (COUR) in the College of Science and Mathematics at Georgia Southern University is an initiative to further the undergraduate research experience in COSM.

Visit the COUR website for more information regarding:

  • research opportunities
  • funding
  • news
  • annual research symposium

Undergraduate Journals

Research Opportunities with Faculty


Dr. Yan Wu (Statesboro Campus)

Faculty Research Advisors

The following faculty are looking for undergraduate students to advise. Search by topics of interest.

Research AdvisorResearch Topics
An, Tuyin, Ph.D.Reasoning and proof, geometry for teachers, dynamic geometry environments, preservice teachers’ mathematics content knowledge, hybrid teaching and learning modalities, inclusion and diversity.
Brawner, Jim, Ph.D.algebraic geometry, mathematics of voting, and recreational mathematics.
Brown, Tricia, Ph.D.Algebraic combinatorics, recreational mathematics, sports analytics
Carden, Stephen, Ph.D.Call-center schedule creation as a stochastic optimization problem; Treat a continuous-time decision process as a discrete-time process by choosing the interval between decision-making times.
Champ, Charles, Ph.D.Numerical methods for solving integral equations Nonparametric statistics (in particular bootstrapping and exact test) Statistical design and analysis of experiments Statistical quality control; mathematics/statistics education
Chang, Sungkon, Ph.D.Number Theory and Elliptic curves
Chen, Zhan, Ph.D.
Mathematical modeling in life sciences; Computational mathematics, and applied analysis
Gray, Daniel, Ph.D.Probability and encoding problems; enumerating interesting subsets of permutationsÂ
Hessinger, Sabrina, Ph.D.Differential Galois Theory
Hu, Yi, Ph.D.Harmonic analysis and applications in differential equations
Iacob, Emil, Ph.D. Computer ScienceData Science; image compression, image recognition; model reduction; graph searching; flow network;
Lesaja, Goran, Ph.D.Conic optimization, semidefinite optimization Next tabular data protection in statistical databases
Lin, Yi, Ph.D.Riemann – Roch theorem of algebraic curves, geometric  combinatorics, heat equations on differential manifolds
Michalski, Greg, Ph.D.Model theory, computability theory, set theory
Nasseh, Saeed, Ph.D.Commutative algebra, homological algebra; algebraic aspects of number theory; basics in algebraic topology.
Piltner, Reinhard, Ph.D.Some knowledge on PDEs, Finite Elements and numerical methods
Sills, Andrew, Ph.D.Integer partitions, integer compositions​
Sobaje, Paul, Ph.D.The representation theory of the symmetric group on n elements acting on a vector space over a field of positive characteristic Explicit calculations of the representations of the algebraic group of type G_2 over a field of positive characteristic.
Stokolos, Alex, Ph.D.Modeling in Discrete Dynamical Systems
Wang, Hua, Ph.D.Combinatorics and Graph Theory; Number Theory, Math Modeling and Applications in Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science
Wu, Yan, Ph.D.Math modeling, control systems (design and analysis); Digital filters design/analysis
Zhao, Chunshan, Ph.D.Partial Differential Equations and applications in Biology, physics and fluid mechanics
Zheng, Shijun, Ph.D.Numerical and Analytical Construction of Ground and Excited States for BEC; Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations with Poisson-Pressure Method
Zhu, Jiehua, Ph.D.Computed tomography, image processing
Zou, Yuting, Ph.D.Dynamical systems of ODEs Reaction diffusion equations, pattern formation (PDEs)

Clubs and Activities

Eagle Problem Solvers (Contact: Dr. Jim Brawner)

William Lowell Putnam Mathematics Competition

COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling